Monday, May 18, 2015

Spider Attack

There i was looking very confused but also scared. Shaking, Shivering and  biting my mouth. Then out of nowhere came a HUGE nasty, ugly looking spider. I was shocked how it had long stretchy legs. Scared to death I tried to bite and kick him but he was too powerful. For an Ant to defeat a spider “pft” like that would happen ( if I see an Ant defeat a spider then everyone will call Ants CRA CRA!!!! )

Terrifyingly i tried to escape from him but….. he started to spin a silky white web around my brown midget legs, I was so frightened of that cruel spider. After a while he paused, then he bit me on the head, and I tell you it was PAINFUL allright. I was guessing that he did that to weaken me so it would be easier to wrap me up. It was like i was spinning on a merry-go-round.

After a while he bit me again and kept doing it until i became weaker and weaker still, trying to escape i was pulling my legs but i was still brick solid stuck in the web. But all of a sudden “OM OM OM” a way bigger hairy spider came along and ate the small spider. “Phew that was a close one” i said to myself.
target: To use
more interesting

1 comment:

  1. I like your keep calm and stay safe its real cool something to work on is maybe not to many words in one thing where there are brackets.
