Friday, June 10, 2016

P.B.L- Makayla- Pet Enclosure

My Creature is
An Arctic fox
Some things I needed to consider about my creature:
They like to sleep in a cozy hole, I need to make them catch their food and holes to hide in. I also need to make sure I that my enclosure is Arctic theme, and water for them to drink.
My enclosure has these special features for my pet:
A little cozy bed/hole a tramp for getting their pouncing levels up, a swing, and some holes in the ground to hide in from predators. I also made a  ½ a seesaw to get them to practise catching their food in their own mouth.
What I am pleased about:
About how my tree turned out and how I added the pastel to make a cool effect on it too. Also how I got the tule from home and made it look like big chunks of snow here and there.
What I have found tricky: Attaching the tule to the base of the trampoline with sellotape.  Also attaching the tree branch to my tree. As well as when I was painting trying not to get paint on the tule.                                                                                        
What I would like to improve:  Stabilizing my tree branch that snapped I while I was explaining what I made. I would also like to improve on adding a bit more detail and stick to one place at a time.

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